Monday, November 27, 2017

Contact Us

Bolivian Telephone:Home: 011-591-7768-1840

Home U.S. Mailing Address:Daniel Beams
8902 Bellechase Rd.   
Granbury, TX 76049

U.S. Telephone:682-205-1013

EFCCM web site:

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1 comment:

artmom said...

Hi Beam Family - My name is Shay Ballew and I am from near Houston, TX. My husband and I and our 4 kids are praying and considering becoming missionaries to Cochabamba, Bolivia. We have several contacts that we have been in communication with. We have filled out preliminary forms with SIM. My husband's father found your site and thought it might be interesting for us to read your blog posts about your work in Santa Cruz. So far, we have been VERY encouraged about coming there, but recently have felt discouragement over the political situation. I think we've been surprised at the severity of it and are, for the first time, hesitant. However, we still want to be obediant to what God is calling us to do. My initial question for you is: How are things currently? How has the new constitution/new president effected your lives personally and your ministry? Do you feel that you will be forced to leave soon? What would your advice be for someone like us who feels called to uproot our family and come into a possibly scary political situation? Any words you can give are appreciated. Thanks so much.